Wednesday, March 15, 2006

But why??

She is always ready with a smile when I speak to her. She loves to eat, to go out, the movies and all the small and simple things such as these and yet today she is teetering towards the edge of hope and has no idea what she has done to have acquired such a fate.

She loved him and they knew that 'it' would be difficult to say the least with the amount of distance between them to carry a relationship forward and yet she trusted him implicitly. This relationship lasted 5 years and they were to get married. The marriage was to take place in India. Both sides had started preparations and she was going to be as beautiful a bride as they come. Suddenly a few days before the wedding the groom confessed that he did not love her anymore. He did not give her any reason; she did not ask him for any. Maybe he was in love with somebody else or maybe he had just fallen out of love with her. It did not matter to her anymore. All that pain and suffering and sacrifices made, seemed to have come to naught. It hurt maybe more because she did not know what she did wrong. There were the associated rumblings in the society. She left home, moved to a new town and started a new life doing what she liked doing best-teach.

Time passed on and she got married to another 'him'. They met through an ad she had placed on a matrimony website. The courtship period had all the elements of a healthy romance. They eventually got married. She was happy. Again. It felt good to have someone atlast to depend on and to share one's life with. On the seventh day of the marriage he hit her. It was to be the first of many such incidents. He was whimsical to the extent of being crazy. He would not tolerate differences of opinion on simple topics such as the city of Bombay. He would hit her when she tried to wake him up in the morning. He would taunt her everyday as to how miserable she had made his life. He would hit her if the rice was hot when served to eat. She did her best to accommodate all his whims and fancies. She suffered through all of this only because she wanted to do her best to make the marriage work. But the torture continued with her having to spend some nights at the neighbor's because he hit her and threw her out. Then one day she walked out of that house and today she is living with some relatives. Yet even today she is always ready with a smile when I speak to her. She loves to eat, to go out, the movies and all the small and simple things such as these. What happens next nobody knows because the problem is nobody knows why it ever happened in the first place.


Blogger Ram Subramanian said...

thats tough. Ouch !! I hope she remains happy henceforth.

9:23 PM  

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