Thursday, July 21, 2005

Reading and traveling

Just finished reading

Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince by J.K. Rowling


A House for Mr. Biswas by V.S. Naipaul

The former was in some ways a disappointment of sorts what with the way its been written and yet could not help but feel a little anxious for Harry at the end of the book. I will wait for the last book just to see how many other people will have to be sacrificed before the pot of evil boils over and "You-know-who" meets the fate Rowling has destined for him. As of now she just wants to spend some time with her baby(courtesy the Economic Times)

The latter was a well written book more so because of the fact that the book seemed to start slowly, picked up pace in between and again slowed down towards the end. It talks about the life of one Mr. Biswas living in Port of Spain(you will know where that is if you know your cricket well!) , the number of places he had to call home, his travails in bringing up a family and in the end buying a house. It sure made for some good reading.

I am off to Bangalore tomorrow night as we are performing a show at Rangashankara on sunday. I will be back on monday morning and resume with some regular blogging.


Blogger Ram Subramanian said...

I still dont know what the hell harry potter is all about .. God bless my ignorance .. only thing i know is that she makes hell a lot of money .... its not going to be far off when some one is going to securitize her royalties ..

10:41 PM  
Blogger johnny boy said...

Rama, God bless 'our' ignorance. I'm all at sea, when it comes to harry potter too...
Saraansh, Port Of Spain -> QueensPark Oval -> Trinidad & Tobago... :))
Have a nice trip to blore dude!

11:51 AM  
Blogger Saraansh said...

Good going John
I knew one of you would pick up that thread, the cricket freaks that you guys are :-)

9:24 AM  

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